A word describing someone who is fat, arrogant and 1 sided. Is someone who can only see their point of view even if it is wrong.
Hitler is such a tooks
by Habibby August 30, 2006
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That girl looked took after she ate too much chocolate cake.
by Anonymous August 24, 2003
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A word used to describe an individual, object, place or event that is so awesome that the word awesome is an insufficient adjective.
Wow, that concert was so tooks!

Oh my word, you are TOOKS!

I got the most tooks email today.

I want to go somewhere really tooks when I'm on leave.
by TOOKSme January 21, 2011
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Someone that you can't live without, the girl of your dreams and the freak of your fantasties. She is that "it" girl, independent and charming, every mother love her and all the men want her.
"I need me a Tooks, she's perfect"
by Da kid Shawn November 12, 2011
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A word meaning fuck in the form of the word sex. Created by Roark Xanthos.
"Ay, took ya mutha, bitch!"
by Ya mudda March 1, 2008
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The canadian word for beanie. When said to a canadian person in America it could mean: dick face, fuck face, bitch, bastard, douche, dochebag, dick, prick, get the fuck out of America, and to have butt sex with a candian's mom.
I wore a took to school.
I tooked your mom
Hey you have a took face
Your like a big bag of tooks
Hey, took and go back to Canada
by Miminew November 11, 2007
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1.homosexual intercourse, 2. to not have an education, 3. to be covered in poor marine tattoos.
i tooke it up the arse.

"did you go to school?" "no i'm a tooke"

"do you like my tatoos? no they're tooke.
by gwildegwil December 4, 2009
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