Tobey is a very sweet guy, he is the best to make you feel great but can also get very mad very easily, he gets pissed off quickly over small things but usually finds himself to forget it and leave the problem, he’s not a problem solver. Tobey is very tall and protective, little too over protective sometimes but that’s good sometimes, Tobey really cares but sometimes forgets what others are feeling, he intends to only think about himself if tough situations. Tobey can be a totally awesome and hot guy but can also be a huge dick sometimes
Ugh Tobey can be a huge dick sometimes”
Aww Tobey is so sweet”
by MindyMandyMariahWendy December 10, 2018
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The sexiest man alive with a dick the size of the statue of liberty. He is the sweetest lil guy and quite a funny lil guy as well.
Tobey is a pretty cool guy
by scooter_Alfredo October 15, 2022
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A complete bag of douche who thinks that they are a total player. Often seen wearing extremely homosexual pink shirts, plaid shorts, and Swiss (what the fuck?) hats.
Attempts to mack on a different girl every day (and usually never succeeds). Actually, to sum it all up, he's a model. For underwear. Favorite pastimes include taking pictures of oneself and dyeing oneself's hair.
Wow, that kid just slapped me on the ass. What a complete tobey.
by ninja II April 20, 2008
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1. A stub-fingered dwarf.
2. Smiley toddler with a touch of down's syndrome.
3. Shin-kicking nancyboy with an affinity for black dick.
Q: Who is that little boy standing under the coffee table crying?

A: Oh that's just little Tobey, but don't give him too much attention or he will try to sell you life insurance.
by Tumbletee October 8, 2009
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An awful name given to children who are obviously despised by their parents

that kid is an absolute douchebag

yeah, he must be a Tobey
by rogan joshmeister January 19, 2010
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A phenomenal actor and producer who has starred in various films like Brothers, the Spider-Man Trilogy, The Great Gatsby, and Seabiscuit. He is especially known around the world for his definitive portrayal of Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Tobey Maguire stands out from other actors as a result of his incredible ability to convey emotion through his face which earned him a golden-globe nomination. You can tell what he’s feeling and why just by looking at his face which is a hard feat to pull off consistently. Recently he’s transitioned into a producer who runs “Material Pictures,” with two recent financial success that have both been bought by Amazon (and consequently are available on Amazon Prime) like Brittany Runs A Marathon (2019) and Duked (2020).
Girlfriend: Leave me alone
Boyfriend: Come on, let me help you out.
Girlfriend: You don't know what I'm feeling!
Boyfriend: Girl, you’re Tobey Maguire. I know exactly what you’re feeling.
by CristianoMuller March 2, 2021
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