Something females (even in Israel to some extent) get out of by using female sex as a disability.
Women should not be taken seriously until they are subject to the draft.
by someone subject to the draft September 12, 2006
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A horrible, HORRIBLE thing. Forces people to join their country's army and risk their lives against their will.
by ???????????1 December 5, 2010
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What young guys 18 years and older are going to be, if McCain is voted into office.
If McCain is the next president you are going to get drafted. Don't be a dumb ass, register to vote. Take control of your future.
by Mistress Q February 14, 2008
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A draft is what is referred to as a type of "Limited" Magic tournament. You don't bring your own cards, rather you get three packs. You open the packs one at a time, and pass the rest to the person next to you. You get the leftovers from the person on the other side of you, select a card, pass the rest, rinse and repeat. You do this with all 3 packs and then you build a minimum 40 card deck from those picks and go town your opponents's faces. Basic lands are supplied. The tourney structure and prize support will vary based on who's running the show.
I'm gonna get back to Drafting when I'm done here.
by Jdogtwodolla November 21, 2012
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v. 1) reducing wind resistance by tucking in behind a moving object while riding a skateboard, bike, racecar, hospital stretcher etc.

2) a sexual act.
Dude! You should have been with me yesterday! I totally saw that Penelope chick drafting a bus.

Really? I'm actually kind of glad I missed that.
by gnostic1 August 17, 2011
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The word used to describe messages that you save in your phone as a note to yourself on a drunken night out.
*Bob falls on his bum during night out*

*Billy makes note in his phone: 'Bob fell'*

*Billy wakes up next morning and reads message. Texts Bob: You tool you fell last night. I completed forgot about it but luckily it was drafted.
by Colm.. April 14, 2009
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Something Governments do to force you to join the armed forces.
I was drafted for WW3.
by Deadly Gopher January 8, 2020
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