While receiving a blow job, the action of finishing and dropping your load in the person's face and yelling "SWEET" followed by a cock slap and shouting "SOUR"
Jeremy: So I gave this girl some sweet and sour sauce last night
Chad: Wait you ordered Chinese food?
Jeremy: not exactly...

Guy: *while performing the action* SWEET.... AND SOUR
Girl: Ew, that wasn't sweet at all!
by Snowball25 July 26, 2011
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"Sweet and Sour Sauce" Is where The female takes a shit and rubs it all over her vagina, The male lays on his back mouth open while the female uses a vibrator to stimulates herself to allow her juices to mix through the shit and drip into the male's mouth. The Juice is the Sweet, The shit is the sour.
Jimmy: What happen in there?! You look sick!
Joe: She gave me a taste of "Sweet and Sour Sauce"..
Jimmy: *Spews*
by Cyko93 November 22, 2011
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Mindy was sucking Joe's dick until suddenly, he sprayed his sweet and sour sauce all over her face.
by CrimsonReynard October 15, 2013
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Sweet-potato-sauce is an exclamation similar to 'cool', 'awesome' and 'sweet'. It is used mainly because of its superior syllable construction. It often seems insufficient to simply say 'sweet!' when you find something pleasing. However, 'Sweet-potato-sauce' has, at 5, the perfect number of syllables. You might laugh, but it is the best way of expressing you contentment.
Person1: Hey, were you able to finish the summer reading?
Person2: Yeah, I finished the whole thing!
Person1: Sweet-potato-sauce!
by The Alabaster Library July 30, 2021
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