A dried piece of bread covered with seasonings that tastes good when you're high.
Who says croutons aren't a meal?
by IJustAteAllYoCroutons! May 12, 2004
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A crouton was a racist term which applied to Caucasian race. This term originated in the 1960's civil rights movement mostly as a slur used by the black population. The term referred to higher class white people who could afford to put crouton's in their salads as a status of their wealth. In rebellion, the black population labeled these spoiled upper-class white people as 'croutons'. The term may also refer to the status of Caucasians as the "top-of-society" even though they were merely cheap, vapid "re-baked pieces of bread". This term may be in reference to the phenomena of cheap croutons floating to the top of a delicious soup.
Fuck off you crouton go back and float in your soup!
by thehistorian567 February 28, 2010
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That part of a Salad that taste so good it makes you forget about how shit the salad tasted
My Salad tasted like a turtle penis until i ate the fuck out of that Crouton
by CroutonFanatic101 December 29, 2015
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When you are so fucking dumb that you pretend to date people online because you are so lonely in real life.
Creator: Im dating someone online
Person: You are such a crouton!
by god_isnt_real April 4, 2017
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The most desireable part of a salad
good thing my salad has a lot of croutons because a salad with a lot of croutons is superlative a salad with fewer croutons
by stevelovescroutons September 30, 2005
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French for "we dry bread and cut it up into little pieces that people like to put in salad"
Nous croutons le pain tous le jours.
by NiCocaCola November 22, 2010
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