The act of receiving sex in the oral fashion while the male counterpart is confined to a wheelchair.
Mikey totally got a wheeler from Katie last night.
by Dr. Mantis Tobbogan November 18, 2013
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The small patch of facial hair found right under your lip.
Dawg you need to shave, your wheeler is driving me crazy.
by Desiree Sucar April 27, 2007
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A small town in Wheeler county located in the panhandle of Texas. Named after Royal Tyler Wheeler, this town in known for Alan Bean, Texas county, and for having tons of drinking, even though it is in a dry county.
I live in Wheeler. MLIA
by Rhyme-over-polka December 5, 2010
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An executive who promotes a good 'ol boy network in his company. One who likes 'yes men' surrounding him and is clueless to the real goings on in his factory. A manager who hates outsiders and outside influences in his place of business.
Bob indirectly ruined many a good career by allowing his cronies to wreak havoc with the workers in his factory. What a Wheeler!
by Wiseman July 11, 2006
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One who is not able to skeet while doing sexual things
"omg you pulled a wheeler no wonder why i cant get pregnant"
by bon qui qui smokes rocks July 11, 2008
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Jake broke his leg, now he's a wheeler.
by starx4x2x0 February 13, 2010
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The ability to openly lie about a medical condition or concoct a bullshit story to obtain monetary compensation without due cause. The ability to deflect blame for ones actions by using a sob story.
I got busted for shit stirring in work so think i better do a wheeler and bail with the loot.
by Payback izabitch May 24, 2012
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