by XChampionGamer February 5, 2017
A person who "settles" for less and/or the easier route in life, mainly due to extreme laziness, lack of critical thinking ability, lack of drive and/or ambition and suffers from low self-esteem.
My ex girlfriend is a total pilgrim. She took a pay cut, gave up on her dreams and is dating a guy with 3 kids.
by TaTonka September 23, 2014
by Dave Z March 28, 2004
Person 1. My family came over on the Mayflower.
Person 2. Oh so they were Pilgrims?
Person 1. Yea,... poor morbid little bastards....
Person 2. Oh so they were Pilgrims?
Person 1. Yea,... poor morbid little bastards....
by greencandle January 9, 2005
A state, government or local government employee who is a full-time union official. This individual is nominally e.g. a nurse, teacher or police officer but devotes their working day exclusively to union tasks.
A UK term derived from the publicity associated with Nurse Jane Pilgrim employed by the National Health System as a full-time union official.
A UK term derived from the publicity associated with Nurse Jane Pilgrim employed by the National Health System as a full-time union official.
Being a pilgrim is not a bad screw. 70 thousand quid a year to do fuck-all but wait for your government pension date to arrive.
by The Watcher On The Wall June 13, 2011
White person whose status in society allows them to be ignorant of their history and prevents them from empathizing with others leading them to be racist, misogynistic, ableist, classist, queerphobic assholes whether they realize it or not. Just like the original pilgrims, they also feel entitled to what is not theirs and feel superior to anybody else.
1. You can't understand because you are a pilgrim. 2. What type of pilgrim shit is that? 3. God damn pilgrim(s).
by notyourtypicalqueer February 7, 2019
-A creative word created by the fellows from Massbmx.
A bmx slang term used by Massbmx often used to describe when someone fakies and fights the indian and does it the out the proper way.
A bmx slang term used by Massbmx often used to describe when someone fakies and fights the indian and does it the out the proper way.
Manny-Chase dehart totally did a pilgrim while doing a switch 180 down a nine set.
Mario-Better than those damn Indians.
Mario-Better than those damn Indians.
by Mannyisthugg January 22, 2011