Verb - The act of recklessly (under the influence of something illicit or mind altering) going around and stealing lawn gnomes for the sake of a collection purpose. IT is definately fun to take one of your favourite gnomes with you on vacation and take pictures of that gnome from different locations in the world and send it by postcard to the original owner.
<Dude> Yo man lets get retarded and go out on the town
<Pal> Yea man i have a great idea. Let's go gnoming and jack a garbage bag full of yard ornaments.
by Gito March 24, 2005
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a little creature who steals your underpants and wears it as a hat... all for world domination...
by kate December 30, 2005
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The act of driving or walking around town and posing on either people you know, or random people's lawn. When they open the door and see everyone just standing there, their reactions are priceless.
The girls at the sleep over were bored, so they decided to go gnoming at random people's houses and laugh at their reactions.
by just_a_girl77 February 16, 2011
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Gnomeing is the act of taking garden gnomes from various houses. You must be wearing dark clothes, and it must be very very late. You may either discard the gnomes on someones lawn as a joke, or keep them; depending on your level of desperation for social interactions. Just never get caught with them.
Did you hear they got arrested for Gnomeing?
by GnomesMcGee January 27, 2011
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Performing a single or series of sexual maneuvers on a short, bearded man.
Did you hear Crystal has been gnoming Randall?
Gnoming is so on trend right now!
by N1ghtshad3 September 14, 2018
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Hiding gnomes around a friend/ family member's house, car, or work place.
I found a hilarious garden gnome in my locker today... have you been gnoming lately?
by mkbeloved August 25, 2009
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PRONOUNCED >> guh-nome
Acronym for "GNU Network Object Model Environment"
Released under GPL license

A desktop environment (NOT A WINDOW MANAGER) for the X11 graphical interface. Commonly used on Linux systems with XFree86 and xorg. Using the GTK+ library.

Gnome was started by Miguel de Icaza and Federico Mena in August 1997. Gnome is now a popular desktop interface based mainly on the idea of "simplicity" and ease.

Desktop: nautilus
File Manager: nautilus
Window Manager: metacity or sawfish
Menu: gnome-panel
Gnome 2.8 is now available on Fedora Core 3 and Ubuntu Warty Warthog everyone!

My sister uses Gnome for her X session.
by tsphan November 27, 2004
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