I'm gonna sneak out to Grill after I hook up with the PG at EP and hope the fac-brats dont see us and that the townies aren't still out.

Dude that girl is a total swampdoggy puckslut.
by Steph March 8, 2005
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awesome prep school
only smart ppl go there
I wish I made it to exeter...
by anonymous April 9, 2005
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A town in Rhode Island, pretty much in the middle of no where. Theres trees, houses, trees, coyotes, trees. That's it. Once and a while you'll come across a person, who is most likely driving through or out of this god-forsaken land.
I went through Exeter and I saw trees. There was a birch, an oak, a maple....
by The Silver Rose January 19, 2010
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the best prep school in the world!! andover sucks! we're the MOST good!! holla!
Get c's at Exeter, go to Harvard

Exeter... it's what's for dinner

Exeter - the other white meat.
by Meredithhh November 27, 2004
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best High School Ever. We kick ass...unlike andover...which sucks ass...unlike Exeter.
Yo, beotch, D-hall be off the hook after wrestling practice!
by chickenshack January 27, 2005
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Where lots of people go to commit suicide
AH! i can't do this ne more!
by really cool girl April 13, 2005
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A school that wishes it were as free and liberal as Andover. It resorts to picking on its traditional rival Andover, but with much greater frequency and viciousness than Andover picks on Exeter. That's because Exeter is insecure about itself, and so it hates Andover. But Andover really couldn't give two cents about Exeter.
Exeter sudent: "Hey, it's a dude from Bendover! Hey, your water polo team sucks, we beat you this year!"
Andover student: (planning his happy, successful future)
by A neutral observer December 8, 2005
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