Commonly Hispanic . A person who is mostly kind, but if you piss him off he will beat your ass. Dont get yourself confused by how nice of a guy he looks if you do anything to his girl, family, or friends, he wont just let you off the hook. He will be extremely nice to women and will dress with Swagg on any days that they actually care about how they look. A very good friend to have, will be a good friend, but might break a couple girls hearts.
Jim "He is my main boy. That guy is a Diego!"
Sally "I hate him! Hes such a Diego!"
by RDS Swagg November 26, 2013
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A layed back kid who likes video games. He is nice if he knows you well. He does not generally yell or get mad
He is a gamer he must be a diego
by Miniscus man March 27, 2018
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He is a sweet guy he loves his friends, family and mostly his girlfriend he is the kind of guy that would get pissed and will try to beat your ass if you touch his girl, he will always protect her, his friends, and family. He would love everyone he knows don’t break his heart.
by Ashley Mendoza September 28, 2019
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Diego is a Hispanic name usually from Mexico or Colombia anyone with that name is associated with the narcos and cartels and sorts drugs
“Diego donde está mi dinero
by Javier rico December 13, 2018
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Diego is THE man with the biggest heart in the world. He's short, loves soccer and loves to be romantic. He's incredibly sweet, so emotional, and full of love. He loves hard, and He's jealous and protective, but that's what makes him Diego. He's as adorable as a puppy. Everything about him is amazingly attractive, especially his smile. He knows how to make you laugh and get nervous with his words. I love him because Diego is the best man you could ever possibly meet.
"It's amazing that Diego loves bunnies."
by 1003Bunnyinlovevday2014 February 13, 2014
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a guy that will fill you with joy and care for you just remember to never betray him or make him feel betryed or else he’ll hate you for life . other than that he’s an amazing friend and will care about you no matter what hes just like a brother to most do t ever let him go because he’ll make you feel very happy and loved .
diego damn i shouldnt have let him go
by me.72 November 24, 2018
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A cool,handsome,funny,sexy,caring,latino boy who has a huge dick that can pleasure any women and also will not wuit his dream or goal untill that goal/dream is acomplished
Wow he has to be a diego
by Yesikuh September 26, 2016
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