Not to have an idea
Can you guess who it is? not-a-clue.
by innovation1 November 6, 2013
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A euphemism for an erect penis. Used almost exclusively to refer to having achieved an erection in a socially awkward circumstance (see example).

Etmyology: the usage of this term was coined by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
Priest: "We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of our dear beloved-,"

John: "Psst! Joe! I've got a total raging clue! Create a distraction!"

Joe: "Fire! Fire!"

John (nine minutes later in a men's cubicle): "Aaaaah..."
by Cacodyl August 15, 2008
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To pick up on or sense another’s thought. Usually based on a. knowledge of the person or type of person and context of the situation and b. the ability to read body signals.

The ability to catch on to something without knowing the background.

Entering a conversation midstream and understanding immediately the gist of it.
I knew what he was going to say that, I just sort ofclue in”.
by UWB is really not me February 4, 2010
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word used in place of a positive adjective or noun you cant think of at the time.
by cluard June 14, 2009
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a hint that leads to the answer, as in a confusing web puzzle
by Shauvon McGill February 9, 2005
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A response given to an unknown question.
Person 1: "How many stars are there in the universe?"
Person 2: "Clues man."
by Andrea L. Nicolaou June 19, 2006
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another term for the male process of getting an erection , usually occurs when looking at pornographic images or thinking of chantelle
Jesus Christ Harriot im getting such a raging clue
by Algore09 November 24, 2007
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