Telstra is so... grrrrr. (See grrrrr)
Don't get Telstra
by sj0r April 28, 2003
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Bad company, rip off telephone network. Shitty internet.
"The most secure computers in the world are ones NOT connected to the internet. That is why I recommend Telstra BigPond ADSL."
by Dylan June 26, 2004
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Worst ISP in Australia.
Known for artificially rate limiting their ADSL, being a complete pain to deal with, and only existing because it's a monopoly created by the government.
The safest computer is one nto connected to the Internet, that's why I'm connected via Telstra's Bigpond.
by dquixter September 27, 2006
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Gh3y ISP that offers stupid, over priced plans. Also, has a Games website thats always fuckin down. Did i mention they are all gh3y there..??
I got Telstra adsl, it blows penguins..
by William Ballbags March 20, 2003
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1. The name given to something that takes without giving.

2. An alternative word for evil.

3. Telstra fits with the definition of a physco-path. Complete disinterest in the wellbeing of others. Actively causes other people to suffer to fulfil its own desires.

4. Lawbreaker

5. Liar
The Telstra never returned the promised service but happily took large sums of money.
by Telstra Duped Me February 14, 2008
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A shitty phone company that causes lag to 90% of australia.
James was talking on ventrilo untill he pulled a telstra and was not heard of for 5 days.
by hatestelstra October 18, 2010
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The reason I'm stuck on dialup. Argh.
If only Tel$tra would spend those millions on upgrading pair-gain phonelines to copperlines instead advertising their crappy ISP, Bigpond.... *sigh*
Tel$tra.. *Shakes fist* Gah.
by Anonymous December 19, 2004
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