A television show that airs on Cartoon Network. This show is a reboot of a 2003 show called Teen Titans, which it shares nothing in common with aside from the main voice cast remaining the same and the theme song, although heavily remixed.

The show is infamous for taking up most of Cartoon Network's schedule, and according to a very vocal minority in the cartoon community, is the reason for more popular shows, such as Adventure Time and Regular Show getting cancelled, although both of these shows ended on the creator's own terms. In addition, it's much easier to air shows such as TTG because they aren't story-driven, so they can be aired in any order.

Teen Titans Go is infamous for attacking critics, fans of the original series, and even it's own audience. By doing these things, the writers only fuel the intense hatred of the series. The goal of this is unknown, but it's possible that the writers are only stirring up controversy to attract potential viewers.

If you meet someone who enjoys Teen Titans Go, be polite to them. Chances are that they are a little kid, a person who sees the show as a parody of the original, or someone who disliked the original Teen Titans show.
Mason: Teen Titans Go is my favorite cartoon! It makes me laugh, and it cheers me up after a long day of school!

Steven: How DARE you?! Teen Titans Go is the reason that all of my favorite shows got cancelled!

Mason: How do you know that? Do you work for Cartoon Network?

Steven: No... but it's causing Cartoon Network to go downhill, and I know that because it's all they ever air!

Mason: Well, Cartoon Network has an app with all of their shows on it! You can watch anything you want to watch there! Do you have it?

Steven: No... maybe I should install it.

Mason: Good idea!
by Frozen5110 September 21, 2019
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Cheap copy of Teen Titans. Butt twerk jokes unfunny.
1 Person: hey lets go to watch Teen Titans Go!
2 Person: The fuck is Teen Titans Go? More like GO TO TEEN TITANS GO TO FUCKING HELL!
by Leon1023 July 5, 2022
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A Cartoon Network show that was meant to be the season that ended the original teen titans. But instead, we got this. Some cartoon that is meant to be pleasing to uncultured swine and meant to only appeal to someone under the age of 7.
Me: Wonder what is on Cartoon Network *turns on TV*
TV: Teen Titans GO! All-day every day for this whole month!
Me: Fuck this shit I am gonna go Netflix and chill..
by MrEeveeYT November 6, 2019
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A show, that I'm convinced, is nothing more than an elaborate spoof of the original. Obviously geared toward a way younger audience due to the absence of anything besides ludicrous, unintelligent humor.
Teen Titans Go! is a show is for eight-year-olds, quit wasting your time and look for the original.
by v1k1ngV1nce January 15, 2014
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to create a show with same character constellation and the same humor but making it to a children comedy rather than a show with a story line
Have you heard what happened to Terrance and Phillip show? They're getting Teen-Titans-Go ed worse than they had been all those years.
by AgileIndex September 1, 2015
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Teen Titans Go is the version of Teen Titans that only 6 year olds with Down syndrome enjoy. The jackpot of toot jokes that makes me want to jump out of a plane with no parachute into a furry convention. Honestly the only show in existence worse than Teen Titans Go is Unikitty. I would rather die from choking on a pizza roll than watch this fucking monstrosity of a cartoon
Six Year Old: Lets watch Teen Titans Go!
Teenager: *jumps out window*
by lolVEVO April 11, 2018
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An annoying show for nine-year-olds that runs on Cartoon Network 90% percent of the time.

Also, it is a reboot of the show Teen Titans which many people agree is far better than
Teen Titans Go! : Show from 2012 that airs on Cartoon Network.
Cartoon Network: the f u c k is wrong with you.
by Jimieni May 20, 2021
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