a person or object that drives chinese looking spanish people insane with lust
shes such a tait

hey is that kid spanish or chinese...i dont know but that girl he likes is a real tait
by ryan nagle September 27, 2006
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Person 1: Taite's weird
Person 2: Shut up Bekah!!
by Taauphzi June 15, 2017
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Thank Allah It's Thursday, the Muslim world equivalent of TGIF. In the Muslim world, Friday is the first day of the weekend and thus Thursday is the last day of the work week.
This has been a really painful week, it feels like a month since last weekend.

I know man, but TAIT.
by guessd August 1, 2012
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Where teaching becomes so bad you have to learn everything before the exam yourself.
John: oh I cannot remember anything from my computer class.
James: you got taited.
by boobapotomus May 30, 2010
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Speedo Torpedo, Taitor Tot, an immature boy who wears a speedo
by GRSR June 18, 2008
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Tait is commonly misspelled like Tate, Tayt, Tayte, Taet, or even Tiat! like where the heck do they even get tiat from!? but anyways Tait is a cute, funny, talented person probably in they're early 20s. many people are shocked of the amount of cool things tait knows how to do. tait never fits in though nobody understands. tait usually just ends up under a blanket watching Netflix for nine days straight before giving life another chance, but then other people just dig tait a deeper and deeper hole to fall into. some people even thinks that tait has an easy life so they never give tait a break but the thing they don't realize is that for tait words cut deeper than a knife. but if tait tries to explain they will laugh and make fun of Taits worst insecurities.
person A: hey what do you think of tait?
person B: oh Taits cute but seems stupid and weak, lets go beat tait up and make up some excuse so it seems legit.

person A: great idea it will make us so cool.
by cozylama6996 August 29, 2020
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a black guy who acts, dresses and talks like a white person
yo look at that guy he’s such a fucking tait.
by bigbazza January 13, 2020
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