business folk who shit on all the little people in order to make themselves rich fat cats of society so that they can send their 2 year old child to fencing lessons only to have children look down on all the other kids who aren't as fortunate/spoiled as themselves. there are nice rich ppl out there, only they aren't called fat cats
'their parents send her to grade 8 violin lessons, 4 karate lessons a week, ballet 6 times a week...... isn't that a bit much for a 2 yr old?'
by idi0t March 22, 2005
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a very fat vagina, with excess fat around the lips and vaginal bone.
"daayyumm, that bitch has a fat cat!"
by mobh.bihhtch.mfer. June 14, 2009
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Greedy, bottom line business person who exploits people and the economy for vested interests.
Damn that fat cat Mitt Romney. He'll destroy the country, and the world.
by whoamireallyyyy July 31, 2012
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n. 1)A cat who doesn't get fed very much, and overeats when they do get fed.
n. 2)A cat who you THINK is big boned, but really is fat.
n. 3)Change fat to phat- A cool cat. Possibly fat. It depends.
1) Sorry Mr. Pussy Wussy, I'm out of food. Maybe I'll feed you next month.
2) Guy One: Aweh, look, I think your cat's big boned. How cute!
Guy Two: Shut up, he's FAT! He's a FAT CAT! He's going in the county fair!
3)a) Guy One: Your cat just knocked over your Christmas tree HAHAHAHA! What a loser.
Guy Two: Naa man, he's phat.
b) Guy One: Your cat is phat, man.
Guy Two: Excuse me?!
Guy One: P-H-A-T
by FatCatLover101 December 7, 2009
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The simpilest definition is a girl with an extended clitoris who is posing to be a poser.
Amy: Oh my god. Look at her!
John: What about her?
Amy: Oh Gordon told me she is a Fat Cat
by Georgiodone December 1, 2010
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