Thirsty Fat Bastard - The bloke who won't play golf without carts and eskies full of beer.
Me: "Jeremy, are you playing golf on Sunday?"
Jeremy: "Only if we have carts and eskies."
Me: "You're such a TFB."
Jeremy: "I agree. Now piss off my sausage rolls are getting cold."
by Bladderpipe December 6, 2021
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Tickety Fuckin' Boo - Similar to tickety-boo but with more emphasis.
We proper fucked the system, but me mate John fixed 'er up. It's all TFB (tickey fuckin' boo) now.
by yourmomisnice February 23, 2012
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Too F'n Bad.

It's succinct and anonymous enough to be used in office
correspondence. I used it today in a letter to a lawyer,
because it fit and it was good shorthand too.
The other party in this legal matter is whining because
they entered into an agreement by consent and now they
don't like living with their own terms. TFB.
by PickyWriter June 4, 2007
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Typical Fucking Bitch

1) a woman snob that has no right to be
2) a woman that displays excessive or extreme passive-aggressive / unacceptable behavior
3) a woman that needs to be stood up straight
4) a woman that deserves to be bent over and slammed
What a total TFB? Did you hear that woman call out?: "I would never go to your beach cottage without the internet". Man, she needs to be stood up straight.
by c-rocks November 5, 2014
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