Suicide is when someone feels they have no purpose in life. (They try to kill themselves). Sadly, many people are successful. Suicide is usually caused by bullying or self-hatred. (Self-hatred is usually caused by bullying.) People who are suicidal feel like no one is there or no one will listen. And then the kill themselves. :(
Julie committed suicide because she felt like no one was listening.
by Katofdarkness June 30, 2015
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The middle finger to all of life’s bullshit & a fundamental human right
Dying by suicide is the only voluntary way by which one can leave this shitty world on their own terms
by Diantinatalist September 7, 2022
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Suicide is a way to get away from the pain and suffer. It's the way to make you and everyone else "feel better". It actually don't. Take it from me... I almost killed myself, and my best friend did kill themselves. I've been depressed for 8 years now, and every year keeps getting worse for me. ( Have talked to some one before). If you ever need someone to talk to you can reach me at I'll be here for you no matter what, and I will also never tell. I can keep it to myself.
by rachaelw3959 December 2, 2018
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Lethal self destruction. It is not selfish by default--it is more selfish of those who demand you to stay. It is not necessarily a reaction to a temporary problem--some problems are permanent as well. Its not the only solution to most problems, but it is a potential solution to any problem. Choose with caution. And to all those self-righteous pissants who want to pat themselves on the back for condescending to spit a little pity at someone in hell via cliche judgments and over used sayings... don't condemn what you don't comprehend.
Me. Sometime suicide is the only answer after decades of decline and pain. Sometimes it doesnt get better.
by IceOrigami February 9, 2012
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The act of getting out of life when it’s shit. ( they are not a coward tho they just need to get out of life for some reason)
She couldn’t take the bullying anymore and committed suicide.

Gossip girl:My classmate committed suicide what a weak bitch
Person with an actual heart:
Hey this is why she did it because of you, you have blood on your hands

by Thatgirl05 October 3, 2019
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Usually happens when people treat you like absolute shit for far too long and when you can’t take it anymore.
Homophobe: “Dude, what?! You should kill yourself, faggot. You have no game. No one likes you... and you confuse straight men for gay men all because they’re staring at you and blushing when they get caught looking at you.”
Gay man: *shoots himself in the head after hearing this word/insult for the 100,000th time in his life — he’s only been alive for 8,979 days. He’s tired.*

Other options: overdosing (can be painful), cutting oneself too death (will be extremely painful), jumping off a skyscraper/bridge (will be very frightening and you can potentially regret the decision on the way down, but that might not be the truth considering how much pain is in this world), hanging oneself (it hurts a lot for a few seconds, but you’ll lose consciousness for a few minutes after your neck snaps), driving a car off of a cliff/into a lake/hard ground or smashing it into a wall (it could potentially leave you paralysed for the rest of your life and might make it harder for you to commit suicide), euthanasia (painless; illegal in most of the United States), gunshot wound to the head (probably the most painless and gruesome to leave behind for the abusers that pushed you to that point... they’ll probably just laugh at your corpse in the same way they laughed at you during their sadistic/selfish/hedonistic pursuits).
by Patricia Jenkins September 25, 2018
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The taking of ones life because of different reasons such as:
1) Being depressed
2) In a pact/group
3)struggling with life in general

*No one who commits suicide is selfish at all. They are struggling to the point where they don't want to go through the mental/physical/emotional pain they go through each day
My friend decided to end his life by committing suicide the other day
by Thesmoltransbean June 20, 2017
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