adj: describes when someone is NOT being stupid, but just funny, when funny will not suffice.
superlative: of funny
i just figured out ur icon!
hahahaha. it looped. ur so stupit.
by mr falop May 21, 2005
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A subject that demonstrates a skill that is viewed by the majority population as unexceptional and dangerous.
90% of submissions on contain people call'ed Stupit"s.
by thablock957 April 26, 2010
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Divine and godlike, not to be confused with stupid.
Synonyms- epic, godly.
"You wanna see my R6 siege compilation? It's totally stupit!"
by hecc_friccin_not_very_cool_guy November 8, 2018
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the act of low intelligence another abbreviation of a retard
Jcc is being stupit
by beachkuma February 21, 2022
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