whenever in the course of life violent,sick-twisted images flail before your eyes; a cringe and a squint greet in a horrible embrace
whenever i see your tan mammy (even a defaced picture of her corpse) i squinge
by bob the ball June 30, 2005
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A rare type of fruit commonly known as an "orange"
Watch out for that squinge!!!! SPLAT!
by SBGRJW June 2, 2004
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The medical definition is Eplastisquingitis. An abnormal growth out of the side of ones buttocks, resembling a grapefruit. It is rare and there is no known cure. Physicians recommend using goat urine as this seems to help with the burning and itch associated with an enlarged squinge
Alex has an abnormally large squinge on the left side of his buttocks which causes him problems when he passes gas.

Mike tried forcing the goat to urinate on his squinge infected buttocks but was instead bitten, which later caused a massive infection that made Mike to go into convulsions. Mike died later that day.
by jdc1 March 21, 2007
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