Something an asshole creates to sell you porn and monitor your PC. Often used to hack your system and find out your credit card details

see KaZaA, Wankers, l337, downloads
by MiB March 3, 2003
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Spyware installs itself on your computer after being contracted from a website or banner ads, where it secretly collects information about you and your computer, floods you with pop-ups, etc. Multiple instances of spyware can make your computer run about the same speed as Doom 3 on an Atari 2600. Also one of the main reasons so many people have stopped using Internet Explorer. Somewhat similar to a virus, but is rarely as damaging as one.
Oh noes! This spyware makes counter-strike run like crap!
by Anonymous January 21, 2005
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Spyware is basically any piece of software that is installed in your computer without your knowledge. They can do a number of things like for example, taking over a part of your system, say your internet browser and always bring you to their site whenever you type an address. There are multiple versions of these kinda programs. Another common one keeps track of what you do online and offline and sends this information to its own company, or sells them to other companies.
Get rid of them by using Ad-aware or Spybots, found in
by March 3, 2004
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A Program Stealthly installed onto your computer that tracks what websites you visit, etc. Bundled With P2P Programs and various other Freeware.
Kazaa and Grokster come with loads of spyware!
by BoOchan September 20, 2003
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Spyware is something on your computer that "impairs "users' control over material changes that affect their user experience, privacy or system security; use of their system resources, including what programs are installed on their computers; or collection, use and distribution of their personal or otherwise sensitive information."
That was the definition of spyware agreed on by the Anti-Spyware Coalition.
by bobie July 12, 2005
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Spyware is installed without your knowing. It is able to change your homepage, give you massive porno ads, change your WALLPAPER (I know a friend that it happened to) and slow down your computer. Get rid of it using ad-aware. Also see saten, evil, geeks malware and adware
Would you like to subscribe to a free hentai E-Zine?

-Spyware popup
by Jim June 21, 2004
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"i maybe a 37 year old virgin still living with my parents but at least i can cripple peoples computers with spyware!"
by hard_disco_attic June 24, 2007
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