A sprained groin
You've been diagnosed with a severe sproing.
by Cpt. Obvious April 1, 2003
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The noise made when the button on a woman's top that's just a little too tight explodes away and reveals a lot of cleavage.
*sproing* holy shit her boobs are huge that button put out my eye
by zufield October 25, 2007
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a hard spro refers to a double-shot of espresso (aka a spro) that is both (1) delicious and (2) hits the spot, hard, giving one a perceived boost enabling sustained focus on work, typically work conducted at the coffee shop which served the hard spro.
I'm never going to finish this report without a hard spro.
by sproho January 20, 2011
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Inconsistency in tracking macro's and turn up to training sessions. Spro's have also been known to give training advice.
Doing a Spro is Training 11 times in 6months, or having a diet consisting of 4% protein, 30% carbs, 66% fat, 1g fiber.

Regular excuses used by spro's are I had to go into work, my shoulder, my back.

Training advice given by spro's is generally supported by the fact they have sat and watched champions from their couch.
by Southsideviking January 19, 2015
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This is what happens when your horse spooks, jumps, and hops all in one movement for no apparent reason. It is akin to riding a pogo stick that has a bent spring on an oil slicked road.
I was riding my horse, and she did not warm up properly so she sproinged when I asked her to trot.
by TripleERanch July 17, 2020
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