Look at that spangler, what a gay bitch I’d rather fuck a triston
by AcoolDudeThatIsHavingTheSex October 10, 2019
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Craig Spangler is a coward, above all. He never admits his fault/responsibility. He actually said (more than once) “I don’t get grumpy.” When confronted about his bad behavior (examples to follow) he will pull something from the past up about you, wrench his sweaty hands, deny, and then run. He did this many times. Prime example. I am the home schooling mother (only because our daughter was smarter than the teachers in public school). I have been am musician since 11 years old. Played flute professionally, taught private lessons, won awards. I do not not have music degree, but he cannot clap on the beat. While supervising her violin practice time, I was having her play in front of a mirror. She was being a kid. He came upstairs, interrupted, and said to me in front of her, “Leave her alone, you don’t know what you talking about.” Of course he denies this (coward) and has NEVER apologized. This is only one example of his cowardly person. He couldn’t even allow the musician to have authority over music in our home. This was his attitude toward his child’s mother I empirically. A lot of damage has been done because of his disrespect to his child’s mother. Let him burn in hell.🔥🔥🔥 Coward’s who divided the mother from daughter should burn in hell.
Craig Spangler the coward
by DurgaMother May 1, 2020
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A device used to brighten up a rather boring poo with glitter. (also known as a Glitter Shitter)
"My god jeff, look at that gift that the neighbours dog has left on our lawn".... "Dont you worry my dear, ill go get my stool spangler".
by The Colster August 17, 2006
The act of defecating in a receptacle normally designated for urination only
Someone left a dirty spangler in the urinal
by R.Ho November 13, 2011
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Taking sub 3 minute showers mainly to get your hair wet, then coming back to the room and dousing yourself in cologne forcing everyone else in the room to evacuate.

However, when a Spangler shower is not taken, a distinct onion smell will start to spread throughout the room; also calling for evacuation.
Matt goes to the shower room while his roommates are playing video games. Before they get through the first quarter, Matt is already back and dried off.

Andrew- "Matt, you're back already?"
Matt- "Yea...why?"
Ryno- "Yo Andrew, he just got back from a Spangler Shower!"
by Luke Holland November 9, 2007
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The most brutal thing ever made. Likes horses and looks like one as well. Is the definition of a cunt.
by Packingbombswheelinghockeymom December 27, 2022
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Normally white cracker dickhead who’s talent is finding Puerto Rican girls (aka immigrants) getting very offended over his tiny penis
by Nyjiel miller April 17, 2019
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