The space between a mans balls and ass.
I love a chick who doesn't hesitate to lick your SPAB
by Bob Weiner September 24, 2007
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An abbreviation for a strawberry pussy ass bitch. Someone who is an asshole, bitch, douche, or dick. The highest form of insult.
God she’s such a spab!
by stuwoof September 3, 2021
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follw the happy trail, take a left at the penis, and continue down the scrotum, yield at the left oaul and approach the anus... follow the flesh straight for a few... this area is know as the spab, also see grundle
STEPH... did u see the spab on that nigga?
by CJ!!!!!! May 29, 2003
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When a midget dressed as a terrorist dances around in a rainfall of confetti and pills.
New York's hottest club is SPAB. It's got everything! Leg braces, Ersapimn Spab, slutty pet rocks, backwards russian roulette, flyrates (breakdancing pirates), a pinata filled with shaving cream and dead leaves, oxford commas, and a Hasidic Jew playing chopsticks on a comically large xylophone.
by C.Spab February 21, 2011
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Pronounced ( Dee Spab) simply a “Dick Sucking Pussy Ass Bitch
Yo Kieth how you gonna take my pack like that? you’re such a D SPAB

I don’t know about you, but i think Justin been acting like a D SPAB....
by JT300 December 29, 2020
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To stab something with a Rounded Object.
My friend was spabbed with a spoon.
by MajikalMan October 22, 2023
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