His simp levels are so high it tops any human or pussboi out there usually goes by the name jesse or master_shifu
Damn Jesse really simping On Jackie he’s the “CEO of simp-nation“
by Sophie-et unión February 6, 2020
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A simp so powerful, such a pussboi he’s the leader of simps

...goes by Jesse
Damn wtf he’s being such a simp with Jackie he’s the “CEO of simp-nation”
by Sophie-et unión February 6, 2020
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National Simp Day takes place in 18th April of each year.
In this day, you mention a simp and expose him for what he really is.Not to forget celebrate with friends and family.
(Person 1) Hey are you coming to my house tonight?
(Person 2) Bro we in quarantine and i gotta celebrate National Simp Day with my family
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A day where the country recognizes all simps.
National Simp Day is May 14th.
by CommiteeForSimps May 14, 2020
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All December simping nationally approved by Obama
Joshua: "Edwin why you simping so much over jasmin?"
Edwin: "Because bruh it's National Simp Month!"
by Yung Couch October 22, 2019
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Guy: dude, did you know today was National Simp Day?

by That_one_simp May 4, 2022
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