A person who wants a song written about her by Strong Bad cuz she's so boring no one else will do it.
And I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever write a song about sibbie.

by YaYaYa August 3, 2003
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Wants to get a song like fqw-uh...how do you spell it again?O.O
"And I will never ever ever ever ever write a song about Sibbie!"

"I freakin hate Sibbie!"
by TheWiggidy October 11, 2003
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Someone Strong Bad will never ever ever ever write a song about. But he did.
"I will never ever ever ever write a song about Sibbie"
by Sacha June 9, 2003
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the person strong bad will never write a song about.
And I will never ever ever ever ever write a song about sibbie!
by chris longfield-smith September 6, 2003
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An affectionate way to refer to your siblings ie: brother/s and or sister/s
Hey "SIBBY", whats up?
Before I make a decision about my parents I have to clear it with my "sibbys."
by Chana Lilly January 5, 2022
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A Bradford gangster with a bold head and one who works out alot.
by shootar September 6, 2006
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A fat dosser who loves to eat and drink and works in construction.

Should stick ro refereeing fights instead of taking part.
“Did you see that machine driver ordering a chinese set menu to the yard?”

“Seriously? What a sibby!”
by dylelf June 23, 2022
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