A word for a hot chick when you want to signal your buddies to check her out.
Yo that chick was shup or you say SHUP and your boys know to scan the area for a hot chick.
by PeaceElsh July 7, 2009
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unprepared, sarcasm for saying your in shape. not ready, abbreviation
I didn't study for the test next period i'm in shups
by meggy00 August 10, 2011
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Pronounced: "Shuh-up"
I.E. cease from talking, be quiet but in a fast yet slurred manner. Can also be used when you have no comeback.

A very sluggish pronunciation of the word, "Shutup."
Most professional skiers, surf boarders, and skate boarders use such slang.
Sexy Girl: Hey Markus, I heard from a friend that you have a flatulence problem.

Markus Léaf: Shup!
by Markus Léaf January 22, 2014
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Person 1: Did you get my text?
Person 2: Shup!
Person 1: ight, i'll see you at 7
by jbiebsss April 27, 2011
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Internet sling and a dyslexic mixture of "shut up."
"Hahaha that show's gay."
by pocobou February 4, 2010
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