Sheba really has no meaning it’s just something you say with no context.
Me: sheba

Friend: huh
by Theofotherg July 28, 2020
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a girl that's so dumb that she can't even figure out what the word even means no matter what context it's used in
boy: you know that girl Sammy?
boy2: Yeah she's such a sheba
by flemer April 17, 2020
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a girl who believes she is better than you, not perfect, but better than YOU.

See Reid.
Reid is the Queen of Sheba.
Queen of Sheba get off the floor!
by zt5 January 7, 2005
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A fishy puss like substance that exudes from the vagina of a woman with a severe STD. especially prevalent and pungent after orgasm.
Cor babe you really need to get that ”squeezy Sheba looked at. It’s beginning to sting my eyes”
by Kathjlo August 26, 2019
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An uncultured self centered little swine. That ruins students lives with her unnecessary conservative views and lives in America but runs a School like she's in India
by 777ax May 21, 2019
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An uncultured swine that ruins students live by her manipulative annoying habits. Who runs a school in America like she was in India and cant confirm to society because of her self centered egotistic conservative pathetic mind.
Your such a Sheba george
by 777ax May 21, 2019
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