Abbreviation of 'dirty sanchez'.
Fancy a quick sanch, darlin'?
by Jock Strapp October 10, 2002
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This guy spelled gets a dirty sanchez because he spelled it dirty sanches
by Aidem January 28, 2008
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Under anal intercourse, put your finger up her anus, then draw your finger over her upper lip, giving her a brown stripe resembling a mexican revolutionist mustache. Thus "Dirty Sanches"
I gave her a DIRTY SANCES yesterday, and she started a revolution on me!
by per March 10, 2005
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when someone has a huge mustache...usually directed toward younger boys
1. damn jordan really needs to shave his fat sanch
by nico assenti January 31, 2008
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In relation to a dirty sanchez, a person who appears somewhat unhygienic and presumably is going to start trouble.
Did you see that freakin' Dirt Sanch bump into me, didn't even apologize, just went straight to the keg for more free beer.
by Penaman July 11, 2008
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when a male pops a girls cherry and the dick becomes bloddy. when bloddy he whipes it on her upper lip.
damn that sluts still has blood on her lip from that bloody sanches
by rickless December 2, 2004
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