Richmond, VA

Richmond is a complicated, but diverse city. Sometimes called a wanna-be city, Richmond is tiny. The former capitol of the Confederacy, Richmond has many deep southern roots that surface in many aspects like our Civil War Museum and Monument Avenue with monuments honoring civil war generals.

Even so, Richmond is heavily influenced by a newer generation. Large universities, like VCU and U of R, attract a new generation of people. Our youth add a great diversity to Richmond. With a bustling arts scene, Richmond is evolving into a great place to be young and with a camera. Home to a lot of hipsters and loud liberals, we're trying to change the stereotype of Richmond.

No longer is Richmond only a place of crime and racism. Richmond can be an amazing city with a constantly evolving and unique culture.
VCU Photo Major: Hey, you wanna go to First Fridays to see the Art Walk?
VCU Art History Major: Yea, sure! I'll bring my Pentax. I just got a couple more rolls of film. Plus, the galleries on Broad are amazing. We can go down to the river tomorrow to shoot a couple rolls?
VCU Photo Major: Sounds perfect! I love Belle Isle! Richmond is such a beautiful city!
by rvastudent April 3, 2011
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Richmond Cali. (In Contra Costa County) "is a former shipbuilding boomtown turned Ghetto".
Richmond is known as the Iron Triangle, The Rich ,Dodge cityIt has four sides to it North Richmond NORTH, Central RichmondC-SIDE, South Richmond SOUTHSIDE and Point Richmond (not mentioned) but known for three. Although getting "hyphy" is more of a Bay Area word defining getting ignorant, drunk/high, and quite violent within a group of friends to most thugs in the game hyphy is a way of life and just having fun. Richmond is ranked the most violent do to the fact that The Rich is not as large as most cities in The Bay but have alot of killings, if you ran across a Richmond cat you know. Richmond has it own set of rules.
Richmond Cali is a city not some district in San Fransico
by Booman P-7 June16, 2006 June 16, 2006
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Richmond, BC- A western municipality of the Greater Vancouver area located on a very flat island with the river on two sides and ocean on the other. Historically a quaint fishing town with a seaside village located at the south end of town. A truly picturesque setting with lots of West-coast and Japanese-inspired of those places where there are no bad parts of town.

Enter the immigrants. The quaint fish-and-chips village turns into bustling city with 80 condo towers, with dozens more under construction, and many Asian malls. About half the restaurants, (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) in Vancouver are in Richmond. The night market is also here.

Yes, the Asians account for 60% of the residents here and outside of city hall they are a dominating presence that you cannot avoid. Everywhere you will see high school FOBS rolling around in their beamers and beeping their cell phones.

Richmond has fast become the most favored suburb in the GVRD and hated by eastern municipalities that never get any attention...vast majority of the Olympic budget is slated for Richmond (Canada line, speed skating oval). This fair city is also located next to the island airport of YVR and is a 20 minute drive from downtown Vancouver.

Residents generally have some extra money and can access many recreational activities close at hand, including biking, swimming, skating, yoga, kayaking, whale watching, it isn't surprising that Richmond is the healthiest city in Canada with a mean life expectancy of 84 years!

Despite its great location and all its amenities, Richmond is still a flood plain and housing prices are still relatively cheap compared to Vancouver. A family moving here can still afford a decent house for under $700,000. Yes, a mere 700k, that's how we talk in BC.
In Richmond I live by the ocean in peace and can hear the sounds of seagulls in the warm breezy air.
by Kylie H November 5, 2006
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two cities; the most ghetto-ass shit holes

see rape
I got shot once in Richmond, California.
One time, in Richmond, Virginia, I was raped!
by Sir Ryan December 3, 2006
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a fucking ass ghetto city in which if you're looking to bore yourself to death, go to richmond, va!! it's really cold sometimes and then sometimes its really hot! basically, you should never go to richmond, if you aren't an insanely rich blue blood prep, a drug dealer, a freaky horse girl,or a fastass redneck!!
girl 1:"Hey, I'm bored!"
girl 2:"Yeah me too! Let's go to downtown Richmond and hang out!"
girl 1: "Great idea! Let's go get raped and then we can go smoke pot with some rich preppy St. Christopher's boys!"
girl 2: "Or we could go hang out at Bass Pro and go home with a sexy ass redneck!!"
girl 1: "No, let's go ride those horses out in Goochland!"
girl 2: "Yeah bitch! i love Richmond! So much to do!"
by I<3HATINGRICHMOND January 11, 2011
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a good place to go if you want to die (if you're white of course)
my white homie went to richmond and got a cap in his ass.
by noneyobidness March 7, 2007
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