An absolute zero thermodynamic temperature scale.
Has the same degree size as Fahrenheit.
The boiling and freezing points of water in Rankine are 671.641 and 491.67 respectively.
by DaDaDaDano November 7, 2007
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to roast or try in order to be funny.
Why you rankin?
by dj32089 September 18, 2008
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Also known as "Rank" is a smell described as fermented sweat in a jock strap after a long game of football that is layed out in the sun to dry.
"Damn that shirt Ranks!"
"That girl is Rankin."
by CRenn September 30, 2018
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When something is is totally disgusting, gross or just plain sucks! Especially smells (oh god, that was rankin!!), but it can describe anything, from taste, to how you feel, to the clothes someone dorky kid wears(those shoes are rankin, you nerd)
Even if something's just totally uncool-"yeah, your hairstyle is like,kinda rankin dont you think??"
If you're having a bad day -" Aww man, this day has been Rankin"

Or if you've eating something that was really gross-"YUK!! that was RANKIN!!"

"This public toilet is rankin!!"
by GetYourGunn April 12, 2006
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This word developed out of the more formal "rank" and means something unpleasant. can be emphasised with the suffix "skankin". Often applied to food and drink, or odours.

It can also be used as an exclamation expressing disgust.
Jaysis, seamus, you must've drunk a bad pint last night, them farts you're throwin out are rankin.

ah mate, don't tell me all you got in is that rankin skankin pg tips. i wanted a lapsang souchong or at least a darjeeling.

urrgh rankin! get them knickers off the sideboard carlee!
by tarik el hob August 14, 2006
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if your name is rankin your are probaly a kid that hangs around with grown men. he also is very weird and gay. please any rankins dont get offened this is a joke
rankin:ye you lookin hot

by bangglang October 24, 2020
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The king of ska. Pepsi's number 1 fan and profesional sleeper. Kicken climber. Has the most rocked socks becasue of his awesome cd collection. and um......hmmmmmmm........ i gotta go futurama is on. Catch ya on the flip side yo
What does rankin mean? I dont know thats a crazy word

hup hup pick it up *starts break dancing* boom boom cha
by rankin December 16, 2003
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