A dumbshit wrestler who sucks off Triple H and Ric Flair while Batista nails him in the ass
see butt fucker, butt brigade
Randy Orton gets gangbanged by Evolution after RAW every week!
by King Slim August 11, 2004
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A person that gets an undeserved push into the main event, despite the fact that he has no mic skills, mediocre wrestling skills, and no charisma. I nicknamed him Blandy Orton.

If you want to cure your insomnia, you can see Blandy Orton every Monday on RAW (AKA: the "how far will the WWE go to get Orton a reaction" show)
Here are two examples of classic Blandy Orton promos:

"I'm going to start what I finished" - (January 13, 2004)

"Jericho, you...you...have a big mouth!" (May 24, 2004)
by Danny March 13, 2005
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A untalented wreslter who can't wrestle for crap. Whishes he was as good as everyone else. In a non staged acutall match Benoit would beat the holy shit out of him. BTW Orton fans.....13-0 ;)
Orton: I am a legend killer!!

Foley: You can meet me in the parking lot after tonights show is over so we can settle this.
Undertaker: You can wrestle for shit
by Tyler April 5, 2005
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The crappies wrestler known to man. Nicknamed Randy Boreton because he's so boring.
Everyone who posted something good about Orton is a stupid fucking WWE mark and needs to go see some NWATNA.
by AJAW July 19, 2004
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the best wrestler alive PERIOD anyone who say's he isn't can go fuck themselves.
by bonemaster May 5, 2005
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A 3rd generation WWE superstar whom will kick all you haters asses. A member of Evolution. A hotter than hell living legend. Hottest man alive. Next WWE champion. BITCH!!!
Randy Orton beat Mick Foley at Backlash.
Randy Orton just RKO'd your ass.
by Samantha June 12, 2004
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I don't know why women think he is so hot. I'm better looking than he is.
Comment w/ request to delete: he is hot ur just a hater and jealous like omg.
watch all the sluts- I mean women- give this thumbs down.
by Adrian January 9, 2005
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