Ready For Sex - similar to DTF(down to fuck) meaning willing to Fuck.

Sometimes R4S
Bro 1: Yeah I met this chick at the beach

Bro 2: Sweet is she RFS though?

Bro 1: Yeah!!
High 5
by Hanzbro February 13, 2012
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rf or :rf:

red face.
A shy smilies shortcut from one of the Malaysia Largest Community Forum.
It became famous after most of the forumer love to add the smilies after every sentences/messages.

Sometimes it don't even means shy, the forumers just used it put rf at the back of their message.

Also widely use in Facebook by those forumers.
Are you ok? rf
Walao I just kissed a girl ! rf
Haha rf
by Malaysia Cari Forumers January 29, 2011
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kelsey and sam RF everyday before book club.
by vjhh June 3, 2009
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RF is an acronym for the OGPlanet game Rumble Fighter.
by sighIdunwannausemahrealnamelul November 11, 2007
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Rat Fink. A vulgar rat who hangs onto his own tail.

A screw-up.

A prank played against someone else.
Herman played a great RF on Mr. Heinkel.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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That guy had an RF of 7.
by bread infection December 30, 2005
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Red Faction, or RF, was one of the first great first person shooters that became HUGE on PC. Millions of people played casually in servers that featured wild 16 vs 16 mayhem, but many also joined clans to play competitively, typically in a 6v6 CTF style.

Weapons included assault rifles, shotguns, 20 bullet precision rifles that shot as fast as you could click, single shot snipers rifles, heavy machine guns, the default pistol, and rocket launchers.

The best unique feature in the game was that it had a destructible environment, meaning you could actually use rockets and c4 charges to blow holes in the walls and build tunnels across the map, letting you drop out of the ceiling onto the enemy flag.

.fa +PLuS+ -iCe- were some of the legendary clans that fought daily for bragging rights to call themselves the best.
kid 1: "Hey you wanna play some Doom or Unreal Tourny after school?"
kid 2: "Nah I play RF now, that game is da fuckin' BOMB!" (that's actually how kids talked back then. Thanks NFL Blitz)
by Tippi Dink October 16, 2018
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