A woman who uses charm and or physical means to get her man, no matter what the cost. Sexually insatiable and very experienced, those in her sights will most likely never escape or be seen again once she's had her way with them. Especially true if she has been without for long periods of time.
Trish is a (sexual) predator.
by BobJones69 November 10, 2005
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A sexual act where the male participant, while perfoming cunilingus, puts his first two fingers from his hands up to the respective sides of his mouth(google predator if you don't know what I'm talking about)-- whilst making a clicking, predator-like noise.

Verb: pred'ed
Jack totally used The Predator on Jill the other night!

No biggie, I've pred'ed her three or four times already.
by Pred'ed Her March 23, 2011
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N: A Ferris State University student that closely resembles the predator, With Dreadlocks’ and large Biceps and been known to be killed by Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Danny Glover. Also is afraid of an alien invasion .
Guy 1: Man that guy looks like Predator

Arnold: Get Down Get to the chopped

Guy1: That was amazing.
by Chris Drew Dejong January 15, 2009
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a term used most commonly for a male usually , of muscular build and or foreign decent who preys on unsuspecting females , Most commonly found in drinking establishments or Fast food restaurants. Predator is known for his deathly stare which resembles some sort of threatening animal most likely suffering from rabies.
Man , look at predator he putting his moves on those hags !!

Don't look in to predators eyes man , if you do your fucked !

Yooooooooo Predator !
by Dr Hag February 27, 2009
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Often compared with Jeffery Dahmar and Ted Bundy, The Pig "Zachary Audino" likes his 15 yr old girls and has a iq of an autistic 3 yr old
Who's that outside the daycare?

That's Zachary Audino the Predator
by Taj Parker November 25, 2022
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One who pretends to be someone there not on an online chatroom to try to meet you in real life so they can rape or kill you.
The predator in the chatroom, who was actually a 40 year old man, pretended he was a teenage girl to try and seduce little boys in meeting him in real life.
by Bobby De Niro August 5, 2004
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