A load of pricks that lie, deceive and do fuck all for the benefit of society (apart from the select few) plus make cuts and deprive young people of a life
Politicians like David Cameron and Nick Clegg/ traitor to the lib dems (but not other members the lib dem party, even though you guys will never win.)
by yourfacemakesmewanttopuke December 4, 2011
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A lying, piece-of-shit corporate fuckwad who lies out their ass to get elected telling you how much they care for you, and then once their sorry-ass gets in office, they lie, cheat, steal and fuck the whole system up in order to keep the power.
Just look at any goddamn politician.
by Steve February 17, 2005
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politicians dont do shit for the common man. they only help the rich
by ItsAllBeenDone April 30, 2004
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They're assholes.They're ALL assholes.
politicians are nuts!
by queefs September 12, 2005
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People who are paid to spend everyone else's money.
Damn politicians are using our money to buy beer again.
by tihoa March 1, 2005
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A.rotten bastards
B.lying assholes
C.thieving crooks,murderers and cheats
D.all of the above

answer: _D.all of the above_

politicians suck ass ........................
by life sucks and blows August 31, 2005
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corporate whore who fakes compassion to gain the trust of the general public. Often a complete wordfuckwit/word.

Someone who would rather suck thier fathers cock than answer a question honestly.

see: wordliar/word, wordwhore/word, wordfake/word.
George Bush, Tony Blair, Margret Thatcher, Ron Davis.

iEcl. Rhodri Morgan/i
by snap March 17, 2003
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