is literally the first place you can think of invading,
Himler: hey hitler?
Hitler: yes?
Himler: we raich but there are too many nations to invade, which one do we start from?
Hitler: obviously poland, BLITZKRIEG!
by AdolfHitlerVSPoland February 10, 2021
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An Eastern European country whose inhabitants, contrary to popular opinon, are NOT DUMB. Polish citizens, in fact, have won Nobel Peace Prizes in every category, and Polish scientists, philosophers, explorers, and mathematicians have made numerous beneficial contributions to their respective fields (ultraviolet light; the set theory; semantic language theory). Marie Curie (née Sklodowska), the esteemed chemist, was a Pole. Poland also, naturally, has the most attractive women.
Poland used to possess the most powerful army in Europe.
by N.B. November 2, 2003
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Poland is a great country. And for those people think it takes three of them screw in a light bulb, well... you're wrong. Poland has provided many intelligent people to the world.
Although i was born in America, i have 100% Polish blood, and I'm proud of it.

-And the girls really are hot-
by Kielbasa April 19, 2004
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An imaginary country which doesn't exist
Person 1: Poland isn't a real country
Person2: It's true, Poland doesn't exist
by A real source February 17, 2021
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The punching bag of europe, place causing flag dyslexia and cannot into space
Person 1:-Which country can't into space?
Person 2:- Poland.
by cronyitvhes July 23, 2022
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When somebody wants to say "welcome to Poland" they say "Welcome to the gulag"
by fuckingcuntbitchcracker123 March 19, 2021
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A bad country, shouldn't be tolarated.
- "I wish Poland lost to Germany"
- "Me too"
by Wapper420 December 1, 2020
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