The best most greatest queen on earth

Deserves the world
Gets nothing in return
Super beautiful
Good at roasting

Is also the short for

P- Perfectly
I- Intelligent
P- Peculiar
P- Personality is shown only to nice people

A - Amazing
Person 1: Hey, I met Pippa today.
Person 2: Wow, she must be outgoing and friendly.
by @perfectmonster September 14, 2021
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Means 'blow job' in Greek.
blow job
"I'd like a 'Pippa' please..."
by frapfrap May 2, 2007
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Somebody who can be kind and nice to talk to but when hyper can be extremely obnoxious when trying to annoy you
Person 1: hey what's that girl like over there?
Person 2: oh her? She's a real Pippa
by rkndefine October 15, 2016
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pippa (verb) - when a bridesmaid tries to outshine the bride in hotness.
BRIDE: "Gurrrrl, don't even try to pippa my wedding!"
by jobrien May 1, 2011
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A slang word for 'shag' in Swedish.
It is also a girl's name, which is quite cruel.
I've never met a swedish Pippa.
'Pippa, Will you shag me? Ha, Pippa, Ha, shag...'

'Pippa, Vill dej pippa mej?'
by Mmmm.... Matty Pie November 21, 2006
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Pippa in Italian has three different meanings

1 - It indicates the men masturbation act
2 - As extension from the previous, Pippa stands for somebody mediocre in some expertise
2 - It is the 3rd person singular conjugation of "Pippare" - "To sniff"
1 - "Farsi una pippa" - Have a pippa
2- "Giocare a calcio come una pippa" - Playing football like a pippa
3 - "Pippare cocaina" - To sniff cocaine
by dabolino May 3, 2011
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