Phrogging is a person secretly living in another person's home. The word is pronounced "frogging" and gets its name because phrogs, as the people who engage in this activity are called, tend to "hop" around from house to house, as a frog might do on a lily pad.
I think someone is phrogging in my house.
by GerryGary February 22, 2021
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People who attempt to sneak into houses and live among the occupants without being discovered. Most phrogs see themselves as “invisible roommates” and try to respect the homeowners or renters by not breaking or taking—although mooching food is sometimes necessary for survival. Phrogs may be recognized by the green string that some of them wear on their wrists.
Anna keeps a list of houses that are good for phrogging and shares this information with other phrogs.
by attic fan July 13, 2006
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ay look at that phrog! he do be looking kind of fresh doe😳
by basidiomycota x3 October 8, 2019
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Nickname for the military's CH-46/Sea Knight helicopter.
The emergency alarm rang and we ran out to the phrogs.
by Samirra B March 30, 2008
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like a frog but so much more swag. very swagalicious we should all worship them
person 1: woah look at that frog!
person 1: oh yeah sorry it’s so much better than a real frog i didn’t notice

person 3: i wish i could vibe like that phrog
by mimithephrog May 23, 2021
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nickname for the CH-46 helicopter commonly used by the United States Marines.
get on the phrogs and get ready to kick someones teeth in.
by LCPL F April 17, 2013
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the sexuality of only liking old people, only attracted to seniors.
Person: I’m coming out.. I am Phrog.
Other person: Wtf
by phroglover88 February 9, 2021
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