1. Great punk band from California. Play great songs such as "Live Fast Die Young," "Fuck Authority," and "Land of the Free"

2. Evil clown from the wonderful BOOK by Stephen King, IT. Also the only cool character in the movie IT that COMPLETELY butchered the greatest book ever!
1. Dude, I was so fucking high at that Pennywise concert. Did they play "Alien"?

2. Damn, I just read IT and Pennywise scared the movie. I made the mistake of watching the movie AFTER reading the book, though...
by el heffe May 5, 2005
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Person 1: did you see the Pennywise in the sewer
Person 2: yeah, he is looking fine today
by toasterstroodle February 4, 2018
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A known skiddie to the IRC world with no life besides sitting on meaningless chat servers attempting to anger people or "rage" them, in order to boost his internet reputation. Skills are very little, besides a sick sense of humor and a defined method to be hated by most.
You need to stop flooding the channel, you're beginning to look like pennywise, shall I show you the door?
by imn0tt3llingy0u August 18, 2008
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the dancing clown, AKA bob gray, robert gray, or *dun dun dun* IT
wow, pennywise killed stan and eddie, holy shit dude, youre stuck in the deadlights
by Andrew Giminiani April 30, 2003
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an amazing punk band from California that writes kick ass songs such as "Fuck Authority"
by Anonymous April 1, 2003
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Best south bay punk band ever. From Hermosa Beach, California. First album out in 1988, they sing about making this world a better place. Check 'em out.
Jim - lead vocals
Fletcher - guitar
Byron - drums
Randy - bass guitar
Pennywise is the sickest band ever. Let's go to a Pennywise show.
by The Ver March 9, 2003
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A dancing clown that eats people
Omg be careful pennywise just ate shrek :o
by penywise November 12, 2017
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