The Christian version of the suicide bomb, i.e. Taking a dump on someone's titties and wiping it off with pages of the Bible
do you really need one? oh screw using the word Pat Robertson in a sentence!

I gave someone a Pat Robertson.
by Apkin November 5, 2007
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An embarrassment to conservative Christians everywhere.
Robertson is constantly firing off inflammatory statements, overdramatizing revelant issues and making up others. His abrasive attitude towards sinners drives further away from Christ and further towards damnation. Plus, he advocates a twisted theology that tells Christians they should take over the world and oppress nonbelievers. Jesus never advocated that.
The worst part of Robertson's teachings is the way the secular Left uses them to present a carictured pictured of evangelicals. The American people are scared into hating evangelicalism and supporting secularism, and the Left maintains its stranglehold on American culture.
Who are you?
I'm an evangelical.
So that means you're like Pat Robertson?
by Anonymous debunker of myths January 20, 2009
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The host of The 700 Club. He ran for president in 1988 and is anti-gay but somehow supportive of transgender people and always blames troubled marriages on women. Pat has diamond mines in Africa and scams old people out of money. His show is on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

His show is called The 700 Club because he is 700 years old.
Mitch: have you ever heard of Pat Robertson?
Harry: that old guy? shit I forgot he is alive.
by sjwhater June 15, 2017
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I just enjoyed Pat Robertson for the first time yesterday and I had a huge orgasm.
by julgwiobtal June 30, 2015
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Reverend, former Republican Party Presidental candidate, 700 Club host. Speaks That the Bible is the Truth which is correct. TV Host at CBN. A guy who isn't perfect but is closer than many of you on UD.
Pat Robertson is cool.
by Lilia September 17, 2005
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An asshole that has somehow gotten his own T.V. show on some crappy channel. It's called the 700 club but it should really be called The Neo Nazi Movement In Disguise But The Sheep That Watch It Are To Busy Sitting There With Their Thumbs Up Their Asses To Know Any Better show.

A typical ranting of this lunatic is that lesbians/gays/athiests/muslims/and just about everyone else who is not a christian are the decay of western society and they should not be allowed in to office.

On top of that he claims to be able to help "heal" people by communicating to god on thier behalf on his TV show.
Pat Robertson is such an asshole! I dont know how people believe that dribble that he spews forth everyday on his show.
by mud January 18, 2004
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a hypocritical,self righteous bastard who claims to be christian, but condons murder of foreign leaders and others he deems unworthy of gods grace.The saddest part is foreigners who don't know shit about america, hear this asshole spew his self indulgent tripe think all americans think this way. Pat like all other televagilists care about one thing,MONEY. They relieve elderly peaple of all there money because they convince them they are going to hell for a lifetime of sin. Old peaple feel guilty and think they can atone be giving these assholes their money. Pat,Jerry and the others live in opulent mansions,drive expensive cars and lavish there family members in wealth.Is this what jesus would do? Does pat robertson actually help anyone? Peaple, don't be fooled,giving this jerk money will not insure entrance to heaven. pat robertson, I hope you burn in hell.
Did you here pat robertson say we should kill hugo ceaser chavez? Pat robertson said all muslims are terrorists.
by angry dude April 4, 2006
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