A sound made by a monkey. Usually accompanied by "eek".
Monkey: "ook-eek"
by Anonymous May 27, 2003
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People who can't spell OK
by Anonymous October 8, 2003
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To check out a woman’s ass without her knowing.
“I was ooking that girl from class earlier. Man, She is a thick female!”
by Gevon6969696969 June 13, 2018
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1. A silly look you give a stranger, particularly one you pass on the freeway
2. The awkward look you give someone you know but do not want to acknowledge
1. "I ooked the man in the orange Yaris and he winked at me."
2. "I ooked my sophomore english teacher at the supermarket"
by curlyfriesFOFREE November 30, 2009
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A book but for illiterate people. They can't read books so they just call them ooks.
Yo waddup. Ya wanna look at ma ook ma guy?
by Haras wealer November 23, 2020
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OOK: A naked fanboy of a Rust Streamer who show's up when a streamers server is leaked to either serve and/or farm for the said streamer.
"OOK'S, Camp this base! Give him hell!"
"The OOK's were chopping up their own bodies to make bone clubs"
by Retributive Law January 26, 2018
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The sound that is heard when a monkey wakes up from a long sleep session after gaming throughout the night
Monkey: {Ooks}
Person 1: Hey did you hear that?
Person 2: Yeah, the monkey must be ooking again.
Person 1: Wow, what an epic gamer.
by YTRedW August 8, 2019
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