A first timer, beginner, someone who has little to no experience.
That's his first time stealing, he's oakie as shit.
by Greg mosh June 1, 2009
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Paul Oakenfold, a seriously great trance DJ
"Whoa man, you got to hear Oakie spin at Creamfields? Awesome!"
by ibiza March 2, 2005
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People that are relate to people from the south that moved to the west ex. CA
That person is an oakie because he is from Oaklahoma, or maybe he is an Arkie...
by Refried Glory October 12, 2003
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Something that's cool, copasetic, agreeable, and worthy of thanks.

Comes from a misspelling of "Okay!"
Jel: "Hey Steve, I have an idea!"
Steve: "What??"
Jel: "What do you say, for your birthday, we go to Space Camp? My treat!"
Steve: "Wow! Oaky! Thanks!"
by SeanG June 17, 2007
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Usually refers to someone scholarly and amazing. Being an Oakie means you have better living conditions than most other people. It also means you pay less for your education cause you're that amazing. They are probably the most sick-nasty people you will ever meet.
Oh man, I wish I was scholarly enough to be an Oakie... that'd be so sick nasty.
by Oakie October 23, 2007
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