Dialect, chiefly scots. A bumbling fool or one who is intellectually challanged.
(plural : numpties)
"they numpties couldnae organise a pissup in a brewery."
In reference to MSPs( members of scottish parliment)
by Gerry K. April 26, 2005
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a scottish term, short for numb-skull.
" away n'shite, ya fuckin' Numpty "
by Lord Howard Hurtz March 24, 2004
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a person so stupid they are incapable of understanding the simpliest of things
John Hall is a Numpty for his festive headwear
by Ted McDanger January 20, 2005
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"Font seat's for people who haven't been kidnapped by fucking numpties"
by pseudonyyyyym February 10, 2018
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The shithead, rock ogre beings that abducted Basilton Grimm Pitch in the book Carry On.
"The front seat is for people who weren't kidnapped by fucking numpties"
by yeet_yut November 29, 2018
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Numpty first surfaced on the terraces of west of Scotland football grounds, many many years ago. A player who couldn't hit a cow's arse with a shovel would be a f***ing numpty.
"Awww Jimmy you f************ing numpty!! You couldnae score wi' ma' sister!"
by Owen January 2, 2004
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Someone who confidently asserts themselves towards a false truth in the presence of others. Even when the rest of the people there know that they are completely wrong.
Given the choice of a shovel or a ladder to get out of a hole, they have dug themselves, a numpty would confidently choose the shovel!
by Marc Hone February 7, 2006
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