November 19th is National Hug and Kiss your Girl Bestie day!
“Guy 1-Dude go hug Sara it’s November 19th!”
“Guy 2-Omg ok!”
by welovethat84 November 14, 2019
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National give people food if they like the Detroit Lions
Omg it’s November 19 and I love the lions!
by Hi peps November 18, 2019
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Someone who is born on November 19 is loyal and kind. You should treasure and protect them at all costs! You will never find someone like them.
Person 1: Hey, you see that person over there? They are amazing.

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: Because they were born on November 19
by scorpiox November 1, 2019
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Sickest cunt is born on this day usually a chick she’s the coolest chick ever
what day is it mate? it’s the cool chicks birthday dude, november 19th
by aNoiooo October 16, 2019
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November 19th is the ONLY day in November where you can bust a FAT nut. Any other day is unacceptable because it’s no nut November
Joe- what’s November 19th?

Mama- it’s the one day in November we can nut
by Badbitch42069 November 1, 2019
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national no school work day. You are not allowed to do any school work on this day, if you're teacher forces you yo do any work on this day then you get a free 'deck you're teacher' pass.
Teacher: get off YouTube and do your work
Student: soz teacher it's November 19th that's illegal
by glowinthedarkchode November 18, 2019
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