This is a very complex law of physics. It states that if food (goldfish, for example) is dropped on the floor, it can be "safely" eaten within five seconds. The five second rule is very fun to apply when in...say...architectural drawing class, usually when Mr. Johnson leaves the room.
When other people are attempting to throw goldfish in your mouth, but miss and hit you smack diddley doo in the face, the five second rule applies as soon as it makes solid contact with the floor.
by drew s April 19, 2004
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If a female does not enter within 10 seconds of a porno that is showing naked males it is a gay film but if a female enters the film within ten seconds it is not a gay film. AT ALL!
Hey Bob why are you watching gay porn? Oh its not gay if a female enters the film within 10 seconds. That's the 10 second rule
by rofl and speedy March 20, 2009
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n. A rule in which applies that after you spot a woman you would like to meet or notice a woman is giving you eye contact, you immediately approach her within 3 seconds to prevent any bad thoughts or limiting beliefs (excuses) from holding you back.
I was at a club and I noticed that girl checking me out, I gave her the 3 second rule ..1..2..3, then asked her for a female opinion on something.
by Markee Mark May 10, 2007
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A social rule which enables you to take back something you say if you found that it was stupid or regrettable within ten seconds of saying it.
Greg: Hey Jimmy, do you want to go watch a movie?
Jimmy: Nah, sorry. I can't. I have a date with your sister tonight.
Greg: What?
Jimmy: Wait, ten second rule! I take that back!
by gamerrox October 17, 2010
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The 3 second rule is employed by anal retentives who are not as adventurous or courageous OR hungry enough to utilize the more spunky 5- and 10-second rule. If you are so cautious as to abide by the 3-second rule, maybe you are not cool enough to eat off the floor in the first place.
Adam: I am so hungry because I dropped my meatpie on the floor and it has been 4 seconds and I live by the 3 second rule.

Rebecca and Cristina: No problem. We will eat it-- we even have time to tie our shoelaces first while we are down there. Mmmmmm delicious.
by C.C.P. March 5, 2008
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Rule invoked whenever dropped food is picked up and consumed in the presence of others. Time can vary widely depending on the type of food dropped: a sirloin steak at a barbecue may have nine lives, while a street vendor hotdog is declared unfit for consumption even before it touches the ground.
Once I saw it slip from his tongs, I asked the street meat vendor if I could get a new sausage.
by K M July 12, 2004
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The rule that says if you drop a piece of food on the floor it is ok to eat if you pick it up in three seconds. Usually the 'three seconds' is more like 10 but it is still the three second rule.
*accidentlly drops a chip*
"Three second rule!!"
*eats chip*
by Last Chancer October 26, 2006
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