The Ex-friend of Paris Hilton. Was on "The Simple Life" seasons 1-3. Was in rehab a couple of years ago for drug possession. Has recently lost weight, got engaged to DJ AM, and is coming out with a book and c.d.
Nicole Richie is so much better than Paris Hilton!
by Wishbone June 13, 2005
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Smart,Kind,Nice,Pretty,Rich pretty woman!!

ex friend of Paris Hilton
the perfect woman in the whole wide world,nicole richie
by drollie August 26, 2006
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nicole camilla escoveda. now nicole richie. born a beaner, raised a cracker
sorry white ppl, nicole richie is ours
by san jose beaner March 9, 2006
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A has been Internet troll who bullies people because she’s insanely jealous of anyone with a full head of hair which she doesn’t have, along with her anorexic old lady body.
“What’s that creaking noise?”
“ it’s Nicole Richie she’s aged like 1000 years because of her diet her bones creak
by Benji has small Dick March 23, 2021
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A: Look at that bag of antlers!

B: That's Nicole Richie. Oh, and theres that CW (crack whore) Paris Hilton.
by alpha0mega2213 January 11, 2007
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A nepotistic shallow internet troll who likes to stalk people she feels inferior to and bully them, because secretly she knows she has zero talent . Nicole is a known men's bathroom stall hiding date seeking blow job just waiting to happen.
Guy 1: I just want someone to blow me .
Guy 2: Just find someone like Nicole Richie problem solved .
by biotin July 9, 2018
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A very hott girl who happens to be freinds with teh ever so sexi and muh idol paris hiltonm. On there TV show together Nicole spends mots pof her time asking invaiding questions and being horny.., But why is her boyfreidn so frikin ugly!
" Dont u wish u were nicole"
"come here u sexy bitch nicole"
Nicole richies tells all STOP ITS OKAY 2 be mixed"
by Ashton April 12, 2005
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