Nevaeh is heaven spelt backwards. Nevaeh is a beautiful name for a beautiful person. She is funny, caring, carismatic, has a big heart, but can also be selfish at times too. She can be a little tempermental but if you stick around she will end up being the best friend you'll EVER have. She will take care of you when your sick. Give you advice if you need it or not. LOL. She is a beautiful person inside and out and she also has the most amazing eyes ever.
Guy 1: Who is that?
Guy 2: who? Ohhhhh, that's Nevaeh. Isn't she eff n hott?
Guy 1: YEAH. I saw her first so, dibbs.
Guy 2: I knew her first so I get DIBBS.
Guy 1: That's so not cool
by <3 n nevaeh January 14, 2012
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An amazing beautiful soul, takes care of your heart excellently. Nevaeh has daddy and/or mommy issues that have given her trauma that made her grow up fast but careful of her surroundings and hurt.
Nevaeh is an amazing human being
by anonymous 💮 April 19, 2021
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Clearly, a badass bitch, who can handle anything she wants. But yet she is caring and funny, and friendly. She keeps her promises, and always brings humor into your life.
Nevaeh is funny, I wish she was here right now. I need some cheering up.
by mostawkwardpersonever January 25, 2015
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She is a bad ass as little girl who will beat your ass if you mess with her. If she loves to she wont be so rude. But she has a bad attitude that will never change. No one will reck her life. And she will love her Man for her whole life.
by Harmonty January 17, 2019
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A beautiful young lady that has brown hair that can sometimes be crazy beautiful she could always be by your side and she has brown curly hair with brown eyes she is a beautiful understanding and awesome person and funny
Boy 1: hey is that Nevaeh?
Boy 2: yea it is she is sooo cute
Boy:1 i call dibbs
Boy 2: nah she all minez
by Itzduh😂❤ July 25, 2018
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A super thicccc hot girl who is also super hot.
Guy:Yo that's nevaeh man

Girl:dann i wish I was her
by Human boi September 29, 2018
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Nevaeh is heaven spelt backwards. Nevaeh is a beautiful name for a beautiful person. She is funny, caring, carismatic, has a big heart, but can also be selfish at times too. She can be a little tempermental but if you stick around she will end up being the best friend you'll EVER have. She will take care of you when your sick. Give you advice if you need it or not. LOL. She is a beautiful person inside and out and she also has the most amazing eyes ever. Clearly, a badass bitch, who can handle anything she wants. But yet she is caring and funny, and friendly. She keeps her promises, and always brings humor into your life.
by annastagezia baze December 10, 2016
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