The equivalent of burning shit in a container. Leaves red splotches all over your legs and will burn off your finger nails if left on long enough.
"Nair is great! I only have to re-apply it 6 times and then I have something almost but not quite like razor burn."
by The Muffin January 14, 2006
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meaning "no" when conversing with someone.
me: "i thought you were gunna buy me some tacos at jack-n-the-box"

you:"nair! buy your own!!"
by bay BEEZY July 11, 2008
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no, none, or zero; a lack of
Dwight Howard got nair stroke

Lebron has nair rings
by qpqpqp January 31, 2011
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(verb) is the ability to dominate the business and capital markets in Australia and Malaysia. People with the nair can be found in southern parts of Australia.
When a person has worked 25.5 hours in a day still at a 85% utlisation and then advise boards on big decisions. You have done a nair.
by thenair August 31, 2010
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Nair is the most sexiest bitch ever born.
Damn bitch your so Nair 😉
by cheney August 14, 2014
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conj. connecting words, clauses or sentences which already have an "and" in them.

commonly used where parts of a connected word, clause or sentence uses an ampersand (&)

Originates from the word "nag" meaning persistent.

Colloquially used in Cranbourne (Victoria, Australia)
Serbia and Montenegro nair Bosnia and Herzegovina are seperated by the Drina river nair Barnes & Noble are fiercely competing for the online book market place

Senator Smith's portfolio covers workplace relations nair Occupational Health & Safety
by Spiro Gianopolous October 12, 2004
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