It's a fat-fingered version of nt, which means "nice try". This expression is commonly found in tac shooters like CS:GO and VALORANT.
**Dies on a failed 1v5 clutch**
All of your Teammates: ntr
by base57 December 16, 2022
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No trees replanted. When someone chops down a tree and does not replant it afterwards.
We don't like NTR. We prefer when everyone plants the trees when we cut them down.
by tastyshrimp October 3, 2021
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Nuclear Thermal Rocket (NTR) is a rocket engine that superheats a propellant with the energy of nuclear fission and ejects it to create thrust. Not limited by the energy of chemical reactions, NTRs can use a variety of gaseous propellants, and although heavier gases (like nitrogen, neon, argon) can be used for more thrust, the most common propellant hydrogen as enables the highest exhaust velocity (efficiency) by being super light.
The efficiency of NTRs is also directly proportional to core temperature, however, there is a limit on how much heat a solid core can endure before it melts. Which is a bad thing, the molten remains of the reactor will shoot out the exhaust bell like a radioactive bat from hell, killing anybody nearby and leaving the spacecraft without an engine.

Big-brained rocket engineers thought, "What if the core was molten in the first place?" This led to the design of liquid core NTRs, and even open-cycle gas cores (GCNTR). A gas core NTR provides outrageous temperatures and the ultimate efficiency (reaching up to 34 km/s of exhaust velocity and runs over 20,000K), but radioactive fission products will escape with the exhaust, producing a radioactive stream of death. There are solutions to this problem, but the efficiency will be cut in half.

Undoubtedly, NTRs have the potential to make interplanetary travel a lot less miserable, but stigmatization against nuclear power had held it back. For Sauce, it's the second engine list on Atomic Rockets.
Bill: "Have you seen the latest work of that sci-fi artist?"
Jeb: "Of course! His NTR series looks so cool and realistic, I really wish to be one of the crews on board. Space, the final frontier..."
Bill: "Same! On the bright side, at least we still have the designs for NERVA."
by Kerbodynamic X May 22, 2022
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"No te rayes", "don't sweat it" in spanish. Alternatively, it could also mean "ni te rayes", "don't even sweat it".
-Sorry, I forgot we were meeting this evening and I told my parents clean up at home :(
-NTR, I actually forgot that I have an exam tomorrow, so that's actually convenient.

-Can you talk now? I actually just broke up with Bryan on text and I'm really regretting it.
-NTR girl. He was an asshole anyways.

-Oh, no! I forgot to check if we had eggs! How are we going to make a cake without eggs? OMG, I'm so stupid...
-NTR. I'll go ask the neighbours.
by IonicSphinx December 19, 2021
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Nothing to Report. Terminology (short hand) used in the security industry when filling in reports.
e.g. Following an alarm activation at a premises the security officer noted on arrival that there was no obvious cause for the alarm and completed his report docket accordingly recording the details of the client and alarm and wrote "NTR" in the description of events section.
by admit2 February 29, 2012
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N. T. Rama Rao Jr.
some dude: hey who's your favourite actor
also some other some dude: oh its NTR
by khlkjhlkjhlkjhlkjhghde December 21, 2021
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NTR means Niggers Today are Rabid
Wow that black guy really is fucked up, NTR
by BearsMhm February 19, 2023
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