Monies, plural to the word "Money" despite the fact that the word "Money" is already plural.
John:"Hey man we should go to Taco Bell"

Andrew:" Okay, how much monies do you have??"
by Monies December 26, 2008
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Bruh, you know Moni? He’s the best
by RISA_BOI November 7, 2019
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A friend who is there for someone when in need.
My best friend is SO Monis!
by IY00 June 24, 2010
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the plural form of money. used when you have more than a penny.
how much monies is that pretzel?
by LeNa. August 25, 2003
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verb ; to bully, to make a mockery of
why are you moniing Nora? Nora's great and poggers!
by nintendo ike February 19, 2022
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A Moni, is a high pitched bulgarian squirrel. It is usually very short, and acts as a pest in the animal, and human society. At a first glance, this creature might appear human, but after getting a closer look and better experience the Moni's personality, you may want to harm this creature. But, beware, for it has vocal cords similar to that of a human, like a parrot, which is what makes it so high pitched. This creature develops grudges against those who have reason to dislike it (everyone!)

Moni Kineti is an example of a Moni. (They all start with Moni.)
by Fallus Phyllis April 18, 2009
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An aesthetically pleasing,physically fit male. a.k.a A man-pony,
monied-pas tense

Comes from the definition of "Pony": referring to an attractive female.

Can be used as a compliment by women in a sexual way or by men in a non-sexual way, but is mainly used as a self title.
"I'm a mony bud."

"Your lookin like a genuine mony today stud."

"Do you think that guy's a mony?....fag"

"Monies know they'll be gettin their dick sucked."

"I'm off gettin monied up at the gym."
by kballs April 15, 2009
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