I don't know why you looked this up but ok...

Its a place I think
I'm going to Montenegro
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The only place better and more beautiful than Montenegro is Serbia!!!
Vlade 4 life
by Dragan April 25, 2003
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Although Montenegro is a European country, when used as a verb or adjective the definition of the word changes. Montenegro is a filler word pertaining to dominating someone in a task (verb), thus the dominated person is a montenegro (noun). Montenegro can also be used when referring to an individual as being montenegro because they have characteristics of a loser (adjective).
Your bitch ass just got montenegroed (verb).
Don't be such a montenegro, you loser (noun).
Stop killing my vibe with your montenegro attitude (adj).
by THandsome June 28, 2012
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A place in EU,small country located in balkan. Girls in Montenegro are hella hot and sexy. There's so many hot girls u can choose and many of them are dumb mostly blondies
Montenegro is state full with mountains
by BoZ1DaR March 3, 2019
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A Montenegro is the generalised social rank given to different people based on the nationality prefix.
Different nationalities mean different ranks.
Sam = uber 1337!1! = Southern Uzbekistani-Montenegro
Geoff = 1337!1! = Scandinavian-Montenegro
Lachlan = n00b!1! = Ethiopian-Montenegro
Gary = Doosh(dousche)Bag = Swahili-Montenegro
by .: MoUsE :. September 1, 2004
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A country with the most pollluted beaches on earth, making Bosnia's kilometer or so of coastline look like paradies compared to it.
Tourist: What the hell is this green slime on it?

Vlah: Welcome to Montenegro.
by Jasna February 15, 2004
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If there are any americans describing Montenegro here, they are liars. I drove a military escort to the border of Montenegro and americans aren't allowed in that country.
Starting five miles out, you'll see signs that say, "Turn back americans, you are 5 miles from the montenegro border." Then 4 miles, 3, 2, and so on.
by Former Soldier. May 24, 2010
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